Meet the Collab Maker- Little Sugar Plums

Big Pixie Collab collaboration craft blog doll making dolls embroidery hand embroidery interview maker makers life meet the maker

Afternoon lovely people,
The Big Pixie Collab is now just 2 days away, I am still stitching hard but we are so close now to this crazy dream of an event coming true. It is time to meet another maker and this time we have the adorable Aimie from Little Sugar Plums. 

Tell us a bit about you!

My name’s Aimie.  I’m 37 and I live with my Husband, teenage son, and 8 year old Daughter, Amelia.  I have been running Little Sugar Plums, for six years from my little basement sewing room in Northamptonshire where I design and make CE certified bespoke dolls, children’s clothing and accessories. I am inspired greatly by my children, childhood memories, fairy tales and pretty fabrics and focus on making dolls that children will love to play with.
Aimie and doll from little sugar plums

What does an average day look like for you?

An average day in the Clifton household is often hectic but always starts with a cup of tea. I can’t function without my tea! I make breakfast for the family and feed all the pets (we have a cat, dog, guinea pigs and a turtle!) and make Amelia’s packed lunch for school.
After showering and dressing, it’s time for the school run.  When I return home, I spend an hour answering emails, sending out invoices and scheduling posts on social media for the coming week, whilst having breakfast myself. Then I start sewing.  This is fuelled by more cups of tea throughout the day.  I stop for lunch and try to do a bit of housework and then carry on sewing until 3pm when it’s time for the school run again.  Then it’s a rush to get dinner made, homework completed, and playing taxi to Amelia’s various after-school activities, such as Brownies and swimming lessons. If I’m lucky, I will have finished a complete a doll during the day and I can sit down with my Husband once the kids are in bed and watch a bit of telly whilst embroidering the face on the completed doll, otherwise it’s back to the sewing room to finish!
handmade doll in progress

Collaborative work requires us to step outside our comfort zone, if you could work in a different medium what would you choose?

I have tried my hand at many crafts over the years including watercolour painting, card making. I think if I had to work in any other medium other than sewing, it would be crochet.  However, I have tried so hard to teach myself over the past year or so, but I just can’t pick it up!  I get terribly frustrated with myself!
handmade boll doll and rabbit

What is the most challenging aspect of your work?

I do love a challenge!  Part of offering a bespoke service is hearing my customers ideas and I love it when they give me a brief for a doll who is a little bit quirky.  I’ve just received an order for a unicorn doll which looks amazing sketched out on paper. But the challenge is making her come alive in fabric form!

If you could share one tip for surviving in the small business world what would it be?

I think as with any business, organisation is paramount.  Especially if you’re running a small business and raising a family.  It can be difficult to juggle the two and find a happy balance.  I am a serial list writer which helps keep me organised and I never go anywhere without my diary!
handmade blonde doll in pink coat

Who are you top three small businesses?

Pixiecraft is definitely one of my top three favourites!  I don’t own any of Katy’s hoops just yet but I admire her embroidery work. I don’t think there is anything she can’t do!
Ruby and the Squirrel – Sammy creates the most beautiful and unique pom-pom animals which I have admired for such a long time. She is also super lovely and I love seeing all her pet photos on Facebook!
 Addis Dolls I only recently found Addis.  She is a Cuban crafter who travels the world, making dolls for people in different countries and cultures. She is a huge inspiration to me.
For the Big Pixie Collab I had the pleasure of stitching one of Aimie's dolls complete with twirly, rainbow skirt and pretty pink bow. 
hand embroidery rainbow doll
hand embroidery hoop art of a doll in a rainbow skirt
hand embroidered doll satin stitched
You can find Little Sugar Plums here:

Don't forget to sign up to the event here if you haven't already so you won't miss out:

The Big Pixie Collab

Time to stitch again!

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  • pzujiquxtt on

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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