The Pixie Life — dolls
Meet the Collab Maker- Little Sugar Plums
Big Pixie Collab collaboration craft blog doll making dolls embroidery hand embroidery interview maker makers life meet the maker
Afternoon lovely people,The Big Pixie Collab is now just 2 days away, I am still stitching hard but we are so close now to this crazy dream of an event coming true. It is time to meet another maker and this time we have the adorable Aimie from Little Sugar Plums. Tell us a bit about you! My name’s Aimie. I’m 37 and I live with my Husband, teenage son, and 8 year old Daughter, Amelia. I have been running Little Sugar Plums, for six years from my little basement sewing room in Northamptonshire where I design and make CE...