The Pixie Life — gemma truman

Meet the Collab Maker- Gemma Truman Glass

artists Big Pixie Collab Collaboration craft blog gemma truman glass glass blowing interview makers life workspace

Meet the Collab Maker- Gemma Truman Glass

Good evening,The Big Pixie Collab is just five days away now. It has been a long road getting here but the album is coming together wonderfully now!  Next up in the blog series of makers taking part we have the wonderful Gemma Truman Glass. Photo credit: Matt Thomas Tell us a bit about you! I am a blown glass artist, with a big thing for colour. (I basically blow bubbles in molten glass to make beautiful colourful objects.) I have been doing this since 2008 and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I use a furnace over in Derbyshire to...

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