The Pixie Life — small business tips

Keeping the fire burning for your small business

artist craft business embroidery hand embroidery life hack maker pblogger small biz small business tips

Keeping the fire burning for your small business

Good evening lovely people! You may have noticed that the Big Pixie Collab planning has taken over my life at the moment…but YOU are fuelling that. The reaction to every single piece so far on social media has been incredible. It has really reignited a fire and passion for this work. When you have been running a small business for a number of years (as I am sure any of us would tell you!!) it can get really draining. Today’s blog is all about my top tips for maintaining the passion for your craft business long term! Pixiecraft has been...

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Juggling the Daily Circus

Aspergers Autism Autism awareness week family life hand embroidery home education inspirational quotes motivational parenting productivity small business tips unschooling work life balance

Juggling the Daily Circus

Good evening lovely people!In my life here are two questions I get asked time and time again. In fact I am fairly sure I have reached a stage of my life where 80% of my adult conversations are about these two topics.  Do you really stitch everything by hand? and How do you find the time!? The answers are easy "YES! can you not see that I have more plasters on my hands than fingers?" and "Honestly I  haven't got a clue" but they don't tell the full story. They are the answers I give to avoid wasting my rare...

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