The Sarah and Duck Party

2 year old baking birthday party cake cake making decorations kids party party sarah and duck

Good evening!
Those of your who follow the Facebook page will have seen that for the last couple of weeks I have been busy making something a little different to usual. This week was the Littlest Pixie's 2nd birthday party (yes a small part of me is still in denial that this could be possible happening when she was only born last week!). I have had a few of you asking to see photos of all it all finished and so I thought it would be perfect for the new blog. If you have come across this because you are planning your own Sarah and Duck party do feel free to pinch any ideas you see I have been trawling Pinterest for weeks to make all of this come together. 
sarah and duck themed party
When Littlest asked me if her favourite cartoon characters Sarah and Duck could come to her birthday party I am sure the normal answer would have!? But I didn't want to disappoint her and so I set myself a bit of a mammoth task. I have always loved children's parties, and filling a room with excited, happy kids who are all having so much fun. Until last year I worked as a childminder, the thing I miss the most is having a house full of smiling children and so any chance I get I am encouraging all the excited chaos that comes with it.
 jug of water with lemons in

I have thrown quite a few themed parties over the last few years, whether it was for Little Pixies birthday, Halloween, Easter, name it if I can find an excuse to do a kids party I will. I have never had the chance to do one just for Littlest due to a rushed house move a week before her 1st birthday and so there may be a small chance I overcompensated a touch this year! However all the late nights have been worth it as today we had a magical day and there have been more smiles and giggles than I have ever heard from Littlest who is normally quite a serious little monkey!

straws with sarah and duck flags
All of the paper characters were painted by me over the last two weeks and just as I finished painting what I had decided would be the last one Littlest walked into the room and asked where Scarf Lady was. So as far as she is aware Scarf Lady is currently on holiday ;) (It had nothing at all to do with me running out of paper....and willpower).  Moon was created from a £1.50 Ikea paper lampshade and a marker pen but seems to be both girls favourite part! The bunting was a brilliant printable available on the Sarah and Duck website.
large painted flamingo from sarah and duck
The tissue paper poms were a quick, colourful addition but I had to rethink my plan for them when they refused to stay attached to my ceiling. I used this fabulous tutorial from two twenty one.  The cake is always a big thing for me and oh my did I make a lot of cake this time! The main cake was just a vanilla sponge with vanilla buttercream icing and I made these cute cake toppers using the birthday party pack from the Sarah and Duck website linked to earlier. Little Pixie and Littlest had a great time sticking them all together on cocktail sticks 
sarah and duck birthday cake
Of course one birthday cake, a few hundred cupcakes and a mountain of my homemade cookies wasn't enough (once I start baking I cannot stop). And so I also made CAKE and he is currently sitting in my kitchen completely untouched as Littlest has become quite attached to him and has been having full blown conversations with him all day. So I am not sure we will ever get to eat him ;). Bag was another free printable available here.

I am sure to many people this much effort must seem completely bonkers....and you are right it is! That is what makes it so wonderful. Cost is minimal, I always try to make as much as possible myself for these parties and although Littlest will probably not remember this when she is older today a little bit of magic came into our house for her. I love that while our girls are small we can do all of these silly things to bring them some joy and create magical moments. Come rain or shine for the last 2 years Littlest has been here happily sharing all of her amazing cuddles and hilarious awareness of sarcasm so young. She has the kindest and gentlest spirit and today she woke up to a house full of colourful, magical nonsense and that is was worth all the time that went into her special day. 
 rainbow coloured party bags
Now all is done, I can go and sleep for a while. Not for too long as I still have plenty of stitching to do after my rare day off. It will only be a couple of weeks and I'll be starting all over again for Little Pixies birthday! Here's hoping she asks for a Sarah and Duck theme ;) 

Good night!

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  • Jamie McEwan on

    So cute :) I’ve also been trawling Pinterest looking for ideas! There isn’t a ton out there for Sarah and Duck it seems! I love how yours came out though!!

  • Pauline Barton on

    Such a fantastic party and wonderful decorations. My girls still love my home made birthday cakes and they are 38 and 41 this year. I love baking but my decoration has to be simple. My best cake probably my chocolate hedgehog cake with cadburys buttons for spikes. You will be suprised as I’m sure Daisy will remember how special her party was, such a great artist and lovely mum to your daughters- well done. Xx

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